Fundraiser Details
Madeline and Lillian are looking forward to hosting their annual lemonade stand. They look forward to spending time with their friends and family and planning new and different activities for the stand. We are going to host our annual lemonade stand in honor of our friend, Charli Preister. We began hosting stands at our house but have moved our stand to a different site. We host our stand at Hy-Vee in Columbus. They help provide the lemonade, cookies, and supplies. We are humbled and honored to be able to help Charli and other friends by helping to find a cure for pediatric cancer. We began hosting stands when we learned about ALSF several years ago. At the time we had become friends with Charli who was fighting neuroblastoma. Instead of having a lemonade stand to raise money for a toy we decided to raise money for research. Please join us to help in the fight against childhood cancer.