Childhood Cancer

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Thyroid Cancer

Childhood thyroid cancer it is most common in older children and adolescents. There are two main types of childhood thyroid cancer including differentiated thyroid cancer (which includes papillary thyroid cancer and follicular thyroid cancer) and medullary thyroid cancer.

Latest Thyroid Cancer blog posts

As the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Director of Science, I work to evaluate our funded research projects to track progress and find gaps in funding so that we can direct more research dollars to the largest areas of need, and to... more
When Lilly faced surgery after relapsing, her family made the decision to donate extra tumor tissue to research instead of throwing it away. 

“We hope that Lilly’s neuroblastoma tumor can be some small part of helping other children who... more
Every day, everywhere, children are diagnosed with cancer. Right now, children are in hospitals receiving frontline treatment following a diagnosis. Other children are beginning a clinical trial following a relapse. Still others face long-... more