ILWU Walk the Coast

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Can $146,812 and a Bicycle Ride Save a Child’s Life?

ILWU Walk the Coast sends a big THANK YOU to our donors.  We are proud to announce that our 2024 annual fundraiser set a one-year donation record, $146,812.  For 13 years, ILWU locals, pension groups, auxiliaries, industry companies and friends from Alaska to Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii and Canada have united to raise $1.3 million to help fund Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s childhood cancer research and family assistance programs.   

On June 5, International Longshore and Warehouse Union members from Canada and the U.S. will gather at Peace Park on the Canadian border for the powwow and photo shoot that will kickstart the union ride of a lifetime.  ILWU member Paul Zuanich volunteered bring awareness to ALSF by spinning his electric bicycle 1750 miles from Canada to Southern California.  Paul’s 38-day challenge will send him riding through every ILWU port from Bellingham, Anacortes, Everett, Port Angeles, Port Gamble, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Aberdeen, Astoria, Longview, Vancouver, Portland, Newport, North Bend, Eureka, Sacramento, Stockton, San Francisco, Port Hueneme and finally to the July 5th Bloody Thursday Memorial Picnic in San Pedro, California.  Can $146,812 and a bicycle ride save a child’s life?  No disease has ever had an instant cure.  By working together, we are closer to our goal, finding cures.  

Ride For Alex - from Canada to Los Angeles!!


ILWU Walk the Coast is proud and excited to announce a great adventure designed to bring awareness to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s fight against childhood cancer.   International Longshore and Warehouse Union member Paul Zuanich has volunteered to take a challenging 1750 mile, 38-day electric bicycle ride from the USA/Canada border through every West Coast ILWU port.  Paul will begin at the Canadian/U.S. border on June 4 and arrive in San Pedro, California on July 5, 2025!

Follow Paul’s ride from the border through Washington, Oregon and California as he says hello to Bellingham, Anacortes, Everett, Port, Angeles, Port Gamble, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Aberdeen, Astoria, Longview, Vancouver, Portland, Newport, North Bend, Eureka, Sacramento, Stockton, San Francisco, Port Hueneme and San Pedro, California.

ILWU Walk the Coast is a uniquely Union organized fundraiser that joins ILWU Locals and Divisions from Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon and California, with pension groups, auxiliaries, industry companies and friends.  We are proud to boast that this group is responsible for more than $1.3 million in total donations to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and the fight against childhood cancer.  Thank you to all our generous donors.

Click here to view the 2025 Ride the Coast announcement video at the Pensioners Meeting.

2025 ILWU Ride the Coast Mileage Chart & Daily Schedule

Principal Rider: Paul Zuanich, ILWU Pensioner

  1. Local 7 Bellingham, WA Wednesday, June 4 Stage & Prep                   Overnight layover

Thursday, June 5 Send Off Day – PHOTOS AT THE US CANADA BORDER!!

10:00 am Jeep ride with bicycle to Canadian Border –

Meet Canadian Local 500 – take photos of ILWU bicycle ride start.  Ride from Canada/USA Border Crossing to back to Bellingham.

Paul will travel from the border by bicycle 1 ½ hours back to Bellingham    Overnight layover

Depart Bellingham Friday, June 6 - Rider’s sendoff at 9:00am

Travel: 40 miles - 1 hour to Anacortes

  1. Local 25, Auxiliary 4, Anacortes, WA     Friday, June 6 – Arrive 10:30am 

Depart Anacortes Friday, June 6 at 1:30pm

Travel: 50 miles - 3 hours to Everett

  1. Local 32 Everett, WA Friday, June 6 – Arrive 4:30pm                       Overnight layover

Depart Everett Saturday, June 7: Early Departure - 7:00am

Travel: 85 miles - 8 hours to Port Angeles

  1. Local 27 Port Angeles, WA Saturday, June 7 Arrive at 3:30pm                 Overnight layover

Depart Port Angeles Sunday, June 8 at 8:00am

Travel: 54 miles - 3 hours to Port Gamble

  1. Local 51 Port Gamble, WA Sunday, June 8 Arrive 11:30am                      Overnight Layover

Depart Port Gamble 11 Monday, June 9 at 9:00am

Travel: 28 miles - 2 hours to Seattle

  1. Local 19, Local 52 Clerks, Local 98 Foremen, Auxiliary 3 Seattle, WA

Monday, June 9 – Arrive 11:30am                             Overnight Layover

Tuesday, June 10                                                        Overnight Layover

Depart Seattle Wednesday, June 11 at 8:00am

Travel: 34 miles - 2 hours to Tacoma

  1. Local 23, Auxiliary 35, Tacoma, WA Wednesday, June 11 Arrive 10:00am             Overnight Layover

Depart Tacoma Thursday, June 12 8:00am

Travel: 31 miles - 2 hours to Olympia

  1. Local 47, Auxiliary 38, Olympia, WA Thursday, June 12 Arrive 10:00am

Depart Olympia Thursday, June 12 12:30pm

Travel: 49 miles - 3 hours to Aberdeen

  1. Local 24, Auxiliary 2, Aberdeen, WA Thursday, June 12 Arrive 3:30pm Overnight Layover

Depart Aberdeen Friday, June 13 at 8:00am

Travel: 77 miles - 5 hours to Astoria

  1. Local 50 Astoria, OR Friday, June 13 Arrive at 1:30pm                   Overnight Layover

Depart Astoria Saturday, June 14 at 8:00am

Travel: 50 miles - 2 hours to Longview

  1. Local 21 Longview, WA Saturday, June 14 Arrive at 10:30am             Overnight Layover

Depart Longview Sunday, June 15 at 8:00am

Travel: 41 miles – 2 hours to Vancouver

  1. Local 4, Auxiliary 11 Vancouver, WA Sunday, June 15 - Arrive at 10:00am

Depart Vancouver Sunday, June 15 at 1:30pm

Travel: 9.5 miles - 1 hour to Portland

  1. Local 8, Local 40 Clerks, Local 92 Foremen, Auxiliary 5 Portland, OR

Arrive Sunday, June 15 at 2:30pm                              Overnight Layover

Monday, June 16                                                        Overnight Layover

Depart Portland Tuesday, June 17 at 8:00am

Travel: 1 day 128 miles via OR-18 to Newport

  1. Local 53 Newport, OR Tuesday, June 17 – Arrive 4:00 to 5:00pm            Overnight Layover

Depart Newport Wednesday, June 18 at 8:00am   

Travel: 99 miles - 1 day to North Bend

  1. Local 12, Auxiliary 1, North Bend OR

Wednesday, June 18 - Arrive 2:30pm                                     Overnight Layover                

Depart North Bend Thursday, June 19, 8:00am

Travel: 215 miles - 2 days to Eureka

  1. Thursday, June 19 - travel approximately 115 miles Overnight Road Layover
  2. Friday, June 20 travel approximately 100 miles


  1. Local 14 Eureka, CA Friday, June 20 Arrive afternoon                                Overnight Layover

Depart Eureka Saturday, June 21, at 8:00am                                              

Travel: 289 miles – 3 days to Sacramento                                         

  1. Saturday, June 21             Overnight Road Layover
  2. Sunday, June 22 Overnight Road Layover


  1. Local 18 Longshore, 34 Clerks Delta, Local 91 Foremen Sacramento, CA

Monday, June 23 Arrive late afternoon             Overnight Layover
Tuesday, June 24                                               Overnight Layover

Depart Sacramento Wednesday, June 25, 8:00am

Travel: 49 miles 3 hours to Stockton

  1. Local 54 Stockton Wednesday, June 25, Arrive 11:00am                        Overnight Layover

Depart Stockton 8:00am Thursday, June 26

Travel: 83 miles 4 hours to San Francisco

  1. Local 10, 34 Clerks, 91 Foremen, Auxiliary 17, BALMA, San Francisco, CA

Thursday, June 26 Arrive at Local 10 at 12:00pm      Overnight Layover

Friday, June 27            time to visit Oakland?             Overnight Layover

Saturday, June 28                                                       Overnight Layover

Sunday, June 29                                                          Overnight Layover

Depart San Francisco Monday, June 30 - 8:00am

395 miles (I-5)

Travel: 100 miles per day = 4 days to Port Hueneme

  1. Monday, June 30                                                Overnight Road Layover
  2. Tuesday, July 1 Overnight Road Layover
  3. Wednesday, July 2 Overnight Road Layover


  1. Local 46 Port Hueneme, CA
  2. Thursday, July 3 Arrive 3:00pm Overnight Layover

Depart Port Hueneme Friday, July 4, 11:30 am

Travel: 75 miles – 3 to 4 hours to San Pedro                                     Overnight Layover

Depart Hotel Saturday, July 5 to 22nd Street Park

  1. Local 13, 63, 94, 63 OCU, Southern California Pensioners, Auxiliary 8, Memorial Association

Saturday, July 5, 2025

Depart hotel at 11:30 am.  Arrive at 22nd Street Park 11:35. 

---- ILWU Southern California Bloody Thursday Memorial ----

38 Days and 1750 Miles from Bellingham, WA to 22nd Street Park, San Pedro, CA

Please go to our webpage:

  1. Local 29 San Diego is invited to attend Southern California’s Bloody Thursday Memorial Picnic

Subject to change – Thank you

Alex’s Story

The history of ILWU Walk the Coast is not complete without the selfless inspiration of Alexandra "Alex" Scott. Alex’s life is the account of youth stolen by cancer.  Before her time was cut short at age 8, her selfless dedication to find cures for childhood cancer raised $1,000,000. Alex would have celebrated her 27th birthday this year. Alex’s spirit lives through her Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.  Her vision funds cancer research and family support. Watch a video message from Alex’s mother Liz.

We also invite you to watch a video message from International Longshore and Warehouse President William “Willie” Adams, posted on the ILWU Walk the Coast Facebook page. That is where you too can post your video and enjoy fellow ALSF supporter’s videos.

We Need Your Support

Act today! Rally the members of your local, make your donation and submit your video to the ILWU Walk the Coast Facebook page. We are asking every ILWU local in Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada to donate and post videos showing their support for ALSF and ILWU Walk the Coast. Please visit the ILWU Walk the Coast Facebook page. For tips on creating your video and holding a fundraiser, please view our guide.

Need More Help?

For help or questions contact Director of Contract Administration & Arbitration Robert Maynez, [email protected] or ILWU Credit Union Vice President Robert York, [email protected].

Our mission continues. Please join us. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
ILWU Walk the Coast Committee