Fundraiser Details
As many of you know, I've been very dedicated to the fight against cancer for the past 8 years, raising over $97,000 for Susan G. Komen through its 3-Day events (walking 60 miles over 3 days in each of the 8 years I've participated), and over $14,000 for Pancreatic Cancer Action Network as a member of Team Hope for the NYC marathon. However, that marathon was cancelled as the city is still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. I've trained over 625 miles, and there's no way I'm not running a marathon. I owe it to myself, and to my PanCan donors. So, this opportunity presented itself. And I hate cancer. And I hate it when it threatens a life way too soon. And I thought my dad was taken too soon, and Mary was taken too soon...and they'd both lived pretty full lives. So, I can only imagine what it would be like to have cancer strike your child. Alex's Lemonade Stand is a foundation to which I've given annually after hearing little Alex's story, as told by her mother, during an event at work a few years back. Their mission and a short video can be found at the following link. I dare you not to cry... Please consider making a donation. Thank you!