Fundraiser Details
I will be running 13.1 miles this coming November at the Philadelphia Half Marathon to support Alex's Lemonade Stand - please join me and help the cause!
My efforts are in honor of my niece, Giulianna, whose battle began when she was born. At 3 weeks old she was confirmed to have a milk allergy and placed on a special formula diet as a result. When she was introduced to solid foods she began to experience trouble eating once again causing constant weight fluctuations. These difficulties required more doctor follow up, eventually leading to the 9 month checkup that changed everyone's lives. A mass in her left abdomen triggered doctors to perform ultrasounds and scans at CHOP which eventually proved to be Neuroblastoma
Giulianna has endured chemo therapy and later a resection of her tumor which led to a complication called Chylothroax. This condition consists of liquid surrounding the lungs and causing pressure on them. An unsuccessful combination of a special diet, chest tubes, x-rays and drainage procedures meant a 4-hour surgery to seal the "leaks" in the lymph duct. At Christmas time in 2011, Giulianna was able to come home happy, healthy and cancer free.
Unfortuantely in June the doctors determined that the Neruoblastoma has returned to the primary tumor site. Giulianna has now gone through more chemo therapy over the last two months. After more scans and tests, next steps will be determined and she will continue to be monitored. Nicknamed "Giulianna the Brave" for good reason, we continue to pray for this beautiful and strong little girl.
For those text addicts out there - text LEMONADE E79817 to 85944 to make a $10 donation :)