Throughout the year, the children of Vance Air Force base choose projects to participate in to make a difference in the life of those with needs. Each summer these children eagerly choose to help other children their age by planning and hosting an Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
To our children, hosting a lemonade stand is just part of the fun of summer. They do not realize some of the bigger lessons they are taking away from this service project.
The children of Vance Air Force Base, School Age Program have participated in Alex’s lemonade stand for several years. This program gives our children the opportunity to plan, coordinate and develop a business, while helping many. The children must develop the advertising, plan the work schedule, estimate number of servings, and plan a budget. Children also research the challenges of cancer on families.
The SAP also locates families in our community who have faced the battle and encourage them to continue to be a warrior. The children make and send cards to the Oklahoma City Cancer hospital during this project week. We do encourage the donations, however, our goal is to teach children that there are battles that many face, and we can help.
Just recently our base lost a very loving and gifted pilot to the devastating illness of Cancer.
The children have chose to honor her memory during their 2009 event.