Fundraiser Details


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letsplaysomemusic donated


on behalf of Bishop for blupping 20 horses and Hxnni for donated $15 just getting us back up to where we need to be

Hxnni donated


Chasing Butterflies donated


on behalf of vivex, goldsworth and Hxnni

saralogue1 donated



Chasing Butterflies donated


for world cancer day Feb 4

saralogue1 donated


saralogue1 donated 1 MA = $5

donated $14 on behalf of Hxnni, letsplaysomemusic, and tigrelily for blups and All Hail Puppy for the gift of 2 F wands on Howrse

Chasing Butterflies donated


donated $16 on behalf of Hxnni, letsplaysomemusic, Amareadae for blups and saralogue1 for the gift of 2MA's on Howrse

Chasing Butterflies donated


on behalf of- for blups: Hxnni, letsplaysomemusic, Amareadae and for gifts: saralogue1