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Bo's Prime Realty LLC made a donation

Helena, Adrian. Dominic Klusek made a donation

Bylas dla na jak rodzina I nigdy CIEBIE nie zapomnimy.. Soczywaj w pokoju wiecznym kochana Aniu!!

Teresa Sachs made a donation

Usha Ramaswamy made a donation

Elsa Chan made a donation

In memory of Anna. Thoughts and prayers to your family during this difficult time.

Nancy and Wei-Ping Pan made a donation

Thinking about your family during this difficult time.

Alice Pan made a donation

Piotrek made a donation

Aniu, u were the most loving n giving person ever, who never showed any weakness to anyone. You are one of one and I feel extremely privileged to have known you. Spoczywaj Aniu.

Gus Davis made a donation

Rest In Peace Anna

Anthony & Carole Mazzarella made a donation

I worked with Anna in Manhattan for many years, and enjoyed our discussions when we both worked late. Anna was one on the most thoughtful, caring and selfless people that I ever met, and put her family first before anything else. May Anna Rest in Peace.