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I hope everyone had a great forth of July weekend! Holiday weekends are like the devil for runners. All the barbecues, fun and games can really get a runner off track. Last week, I only ran five days, but logged in 20+ miles. I was happy with the miles but not so much with the times. At the beginning of the week, I was running at 12+ minutes per mile and had set a goal of sub 11 minutes per mile by August first. By the middle of the week I realized I was going to smash that goal as I pushed sub 10s already. I've always heard muscles have memory, but had no idea how long it took them to get back into form. My legs aren't the only muscles I realized I had to get back in shape. My heart and lungs as well as my brain needed to get back into the swing of things. I'm definitely addicted to running, once I get done a long run I can't wait to get back out there and go again. After a nice weekend I wasn't sure of how I was going to fair, but my strides are back baby, I was a man on a mission. Today's distance was 6 miles so obviously not a speed day but I checked my watch and I was running at a 9:30 pace. My best 5k time was 29:42 and it looked like I was on my way to beating that pace. As I got to 3 miles I was at 29 flat but I misjudged the last .10 and missed my best time by 6 seconds. It was a little disheartening because I like competing with myself and beating my personal records. It was, however, very encouraging because I didn't think I would be running this fast until at least September. Overall I was pleased with today's run, looking forward to the rest of my training.

Workout: 5.52 miles 9.57 per mile

Wow, today was the hottest day I've EVER experienced while running. My theomostat on my phone said 86 when I started, but it felt like I was running through the seventh ring of hell. I felt more often than not that I wanted to give up, but there's always a voice in the back of my head that pushes me forward. I get lost in my thoughts when I run, because anyone who's ever run the same trail more than once knows how boring it gets. To steal a line from the BBC hit show "Sherlock" (great show by the way I highly recommend checking it out) I get lost in my mind palace. I like to dip my toes into the the deep end of my mind and sometimes I fall in. It happens usually when I'm tired and I hit my third or fourth wind and my endorphins are firing off like he forth of July. Today was no different and before I knew it, I was done 6 miles and soaking wet. This training showed glimpses of my pace from over a year ago, 1 mile I ran at 9:55. While for the most part I was sticking to a lighter jog of 11:50 as I gear up for more miles. My training philosophy has always been to train for time, not milage. The miles will come in time, but I need to train my body to move for up to 5 hours. Until tomorrow

Workout: 6 miles

I woke up early today to gear up for my first run over five miles for this training program. I had some granola and coffee and I set out. When I first started I knew it wasn't gong to be my best time ever because the air quality was so poor. The humidity was very high this morning but I wasn't concerned. I wanted to do my best. I need to prepare my body to move for up to 5 hours. My absolute goal is just under 4 hours, however knocking off an hour from my previous marathon (6:13) would be incredible. I started out great and did a good walk/run interval. I got to my turn around point with the sun beating mercilessly on my back, thinking "what the heck am I doing" that's when I got my second wind and thought about all the good I can do supporting Alex's Lemonade stand.

With about a mile and a half to go something happened that's never happened to me before. I was almost run over by a car. I was approaching an intersection with a traffic signal and had the green light. I noticed a little two door car rapidly approaching the intersection from the side street. She had the red light but as she approached I could see her eyes on her lap. I knew she didn't see me I had to jump out of the way at the last second. I've never fallen and not been in control over how I was going to land. I could have landed on my head. I was very fortunate to land on my elbow, nothing broken or pulled. Just a few bruises and a story.

Workout: 5.79 miles

My bed is so comfortable it should be illegal! After I see Lauren off to work I have this over whelming need to lay back down for five more minutes. Of course those "five minutes" turn into an hour and a half and I'm running around cray cray to get ready for work, not eating a proper breakfast, and not getting any excercise even for a half hour. My new philosophy is to make the bed immediately after getting up. If I make the bed I don't want to mess it up because I don't want to make the bed again. It works, trust me.

Workout: 4.6 miles feeling better than yesterday

Cloud Angel = Cloud Devil

Great job on your run! :) xoxo

21 weeks out and I started training today. Managing my diet and starting a proper training program. I'm trying to have my weekly miles average between 30-45 for the next fewonths and after that take my pace up a few notches. I have a goal of finishing under 4 hours! We can do this!!

Workout 5 mile light jog.

Great job babe! I'm excited to see daily progress posts ;) xoxo