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Our First Post!

Hey...Quick intro..My name is Laurie, I am the Marketing Coordinator at TOPP I will be doing all the blogging for the "PADDLE" :)

First THANK YOU to everyone who donated thusfar! Wow! the response is overwhelming!

So yesterday the giant YELLOW Kayak arrived at the TOPP Headquarters in Aston. This kayak come to us with good "karma." It was donated to us by a organization called Kayak For A Cause (KFAC). KFAC was created as a way to blend the love for kayaking with the committment to helping good causes. Each year, kayakers join together to cross Long Island Sound and raise money for their favorite charities. This particular kayak traveled across the Long Island Sound FOUR consecutive years! And thats why it has earned its name as the KARMA KAYAK :) All for a good cause!


The countdown is on...28 days!! Let's Go Dan!

Love the "Karma Kayak"! Hope it brings you good vibes all the way down the river!
