Let's help Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation move one step closer to finding a cure for all children with cancer!
You can join us by participating in the Holmdel 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament on Monday, March 28th from 6:00pm until 10:00pm or whenver the final buzzer sounds.
As we've done in recent years, this one-night tournament is open to all boys and girls basketball players in Holmdel, from 5th grade through high school. The age groups are as follows: 5th and 6th grade, 7th and 8th grade, and high school. We plan to have separate brackets for boys and girls. But in order to do this we need at least four teams per age group. Each team can register up to 3 or 4 players per team. The cost is $10 per person. Here's how to sign up:
Click the "red button" below that says "Create a New Team." In the "Team Name" space, type your team's name PLUS age group. For instance: Charlie's Angels - 7th and 8th Grade Girls. Next, follow each prompt and fill out your player information and payment method. There is no Venmo or PayPal option. You'll need to pay by credit card or check. If you choose the "Pay by Check" option, it will guide you to print out a form and mail that along with your check. Once your team is registered, you or any member of the team can then select the option to "Add Team Member" or "Edit Your Team's Individual Page" along the way.
PLEASE NOTE - All teams MUST REGISTER BY THURSDAY, MARCH 24th at midnight in order to secure your team's spot in the tournament. Registration will close at that time and date in order to create the tournament brackets. No teams will be accepted or addded after March 24th and no money will be collected at the door. To make this as easy as possible, ALL payments and donations must be completed during the registration process by credit card or mailed along with a check. The cost per player once again, is a $10 donation, but if you choose, you may donate more than $10 for your player.
100% of all monies collected will go directly to the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. The money you donate will pay for research to find better treatments and cures for childhood cancer.
Let's go Holmdel! Let's rally together for a great cause and enjoy a fun night of basketball on Monday, March 28th.
Contact Bryan DeNovellis at bdenovellis@holmdelschools.org with any questions.
Thanks for your support!