Page ID: E1424825

Fighting childhood cancer with Nicholas Noce


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Wyatt was diagnosed with Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma at age 3. Wyatt is now a 4 year old and just finished up his treatment! He is considered No Evidence Of Disease! Because of the high relapse rate (and NO protocol for relapsed Neuroblastoma) he will continue having scans and bone marrow biopsies done every 3 months. Please help us Kick it! We need a cure for the littlest fighters!!

I am now in remission for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, but have 2 more years of maintenance treatment before I am done. I like to play with cars and I love dinosaurs. I especially like Roaring at my little sister;-) Please make a donation and help us Kick-Kids Cancer!!!

Nicholas Noce joined the team!

Gabe McKinnon joined the team!

Wyatt Anderson joined the team!

Jay Baker joined the team!

Max Baker joined the team!