Page ID: E1424402

Fighting childhood cancer with Jonathan Nyer


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My nephew Sammy is one of the happiest kids I know, and that's a good thing since he sure has the right teeth for a big smile :)

There are many times that I look at him and think about how lucky we are that he is healthy now and growing more monstrous and out of control every day :) I'm so excited to raise money (and play 60 hours of kickball) for this cause in honor of him and for the many other kids and families that have to go through the fear and pain of childhood cancer. I hope that Sammy's story of success will inspire others to know that cancer can be beat and the best way we can help make this happen is by supporting the search for a cure. Thank You!

It has always been a personal goal of mine to to be in the Guinness book of World Records, but to also contribute to cure Children's Cancer is a total bonus! Please help us reach our goal by supporting this event.

Every gift will be greatly appreciated :)

Since 2008 I have been playing kickball every year. It has grown into a passion that has help me through one of the toughest parts of my life. In 2010 my father was diagnose with cancer and in less than 6 months he lost the fight. The friends that I have made through kickball have helped me during that time and continue to support me. So please support me again and help raise money for a great cause. Every dollar helps

Hello! Welome to my donation page for kick it! I am going to play 60 hours of kickball to help raise money for children's cancer research. This is very important to me since my son, Sammy kicked cancer's butt as a baby and is now a healthy and amazing little boy! What makes this even even more amazing is that Sam is a Home Run Hero and he has an entire team playing in his honor! So help "Team Sammy" raise money so all kids faced with cancer can "kick it" and have success stories to share. 60 hours of continuous kickball may sound crazy but if my little boy can beat cancer, I can suck it up and play and make a new world record!

Randy Johnson joined the team!

Douglas Giordano joined the team!

Todd Marshall joined the team!

Brad Thomas joined the team!

Sean Choun joined the team!

Kim Brewer joined the team!