Page ID: E1424186

Fighting childhood cancer with Tristan Jones


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I am participating in this event to help kick cancer. For all those kids that have cancer and dont deserve it. I am participating to help stop cancer so no more little boys and girls and adults have to go through the heart break...

Let's go Leadership!!! :-)

I'm participating in this event because 46 children are informed that they have cancer everyday. Kids that are strong enough to handle that are my hereos, because it shows strength, courage, and determination. These children are determined to rid themselves free of cancer. They will ALWAYS carry apart of that inside. Always remember that!

Hi, I'm Parker. I will be participating in this event because i believe that it will raise a lot of money for this cause. If every body who plays donates at least $5, I cant imagine how much money all of us could raise. I am looking forward to this event, meeting new people, and just having a lot of fun.

Hi, Im Noah, i am going to play in this game because I believe that it is for a good cause. I also am playing cuz i think it will be fun.

I am participating in Kick-It to help find a cure to this life taking disease. With everyones help, we will find a cure to cancer, and we can stop the suffering. Donate to save the lives of children around the world, and in your very own town. Please help the cause, its the difference between life and death. Donate Today.

We MUST find a cure for cancer!

Cancer is one of the worst diseases known to man. At the moment we do not know of a cure to cancer, we need to find one! Kick-It is gving you the chance to save a childs life, will you?

I am a 8th grade student at Mattawan Middle School. I am in a Leadership class. I want to help children with cancer.

Lets win this kickball game, its all 4 a good cause!!