Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Ty Campbell

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Some kids never sleep through the night soundly, but for Cindy Campbell, this was an understatement. Her son Ty had terrible sleeping habits since the day he was born, but they became increasingly worse as he approached his third birthday. In addition, Ty began to suffer from headaches. Although people doubted her actions, Cindy took Ty to the Emergency Room where they performed several imaging tests. Even the neurologists anticipated that nothing would come from the tests, but Cindy simply wanted peace of mind. To everyone’s surprise – the neurologist found a mass at the base of Ty’s skull that was pressing on his brain stem, later to be identified as an extra-renal rhabdoid tumor. Ty had brain cancer.
Ty immediately started treatment which he has bravely endured with strength and grace. At just 4-years-old he has already been through three tumor resections, multiple infections including three bouts of meningitis, five rounds of high dose chemotherapy, metronomic chemotherapy, 45 radiation treatments to two parts of his brain, paralyzing brain bleeds, a VP shunt, chronic hydrocephalus, a G-tube and a double-lumen mediport. Radiation necrosis on the brainstem has left Ty unable to move his limbs and he requires daily PT/OT as well as speech therapy. Ty is technically cancer free, but severely disabled as a result of his treatment.
Despite all of his hardships and cancer taking away his ability to use his arms and legs – Ty is still fighting like the super hero that he is, so much so that his parents call him “SuperTy.” He continues to beat the odds time and time again and fights with earnest to enjoy his crazy, beautiful life. His maturity and ability to find the beauty in any situation continues to astound his parents and he continues to smile, laugh and live life to the fullest through any pain he encounters.
Cindy is unaware of what lies ahead for Ty, but takes it one day at a time, choosing hope instead of despair. She hopes and dreams of a world without cancer where Ty can walk, run, feel the grass under his bare feet and continue to inspire the world around him with his strength and fortitude.
Cindy’s neighbor is holding an upcoming Alex’s Lemonade Stand in honor of Ty to contribute to research looking for a cure so that one day, perhaps her dream can become a reality.

Quote from Ty:  When asked what he’s going to do to the cancer – “Beat that up!”
Information provided by Cynthia & Lou Campbell, Ty's parents
May 2012

Sadly, Ty passed away on 10/17/12 at the age of 5.

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