Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Brooke Mulford

  • Neuroblastoma

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Brooke was diagnosed at age 4 with neuroblastoma. Her smile, which always lit up a room, never faded through her nine year battle which claimed her life in June of 2017.

Brooke was always such a happy little girl, full of energy and a love for life. She never complained about anything until Christmas Eve in 2008, when she started limping and complaining of pain in her leg. Soon after, she was unable to straighten her legs, the pain was unbearable and she started running a fever. At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) on January 5, 2009, Brooke was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, stage IV high risk neuroblastoma.

The cancer started in her right adrenal gland and spread through pretty much every bone in her body and approximately 80% of her bone marrow. Brooke began treatment immediately and scans showed no evidence of disease for several years, until she relapsed in 2012. From that point on, Brooke battled cancer—trying new treatments and clinical trials--all while focusing on how she could also help other children.

Together with her mom, Amy, Brooke was a regular fixture at ALSF events, including the annual Lemon Ball. She always showed a zest for life and compassion for her fellow childhood cancer heroes. Sadly, Brooke passed away on June 12, 2017.

Through all the pain and struggles, Brooke kept a positive attitude, exhibited strength and joy, and loved to dance, laugh and smile. She loved animals, especially her dog, Bailey, and her kitten, Socks. Amy, who stayed by her side during her entire battle, misses Brooke every moment of every day. Amy works to continue Brooke’s legacy of compassion and kindness through childhood cancer fundraising and advocacy.

Information provided by Amy Mulford, Brooke's mom
Updated December 2020


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