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How To Have A Lemonade Stand

Four-year-old cancer patient Alex Scott was a small girl with a big plan, to have a lemonade stand to raise money for childhood cancer research! Before passing away at the age of 8, Alex raised $1 million with the help of kids across the country. Since then, kids all over have held lemonade stands to raise money for childhood cancer research.

Once you decide to hold a stand, have your parent or guardian register it with us, so we'll know you are having it! It is free to register, and no donation is too small. 

What you’re doing:

Holding a lemonade stand to raise much needed funds for childhood cancer research.

What you will need:

  • Lemonade

  • Cups

  • Signs and flyers (You can print some from our downloads section, or we will mail you some after your parent or guardian registers your lemonade stand with us)

  • A container for donations

Here’s how you do it:

1. Have your parent or guardian register your stand with us by clicking the “Register Now” button below.

Register now

2. Get the materials you will need for your stand (cups, water, ice, lemonade mix, and a spoon for stirring the lemonade)


3. Tell all of your friends and relatives about your stand. (Make sure you ask your parent or guardian first!)

4. Set up your stand and open for business! Serve the lemonade to customers and ask for donations. Be sure to let your customers know you are raising money to help find cures for childhood cancer.

5. Have your parent or guardian write a check or money order for the amount that you raised (please do not send cash through the mail). Send the money to us:

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
333 E. Lancaster Ave, #414
Wynnewood, PA 19096

6. Thank everyone who came to your stand and donated.

7. Be proud of your effort to make a difference in the fight against childhood cancers!

Video by: Stephen Conley of Gisteo for YouTube’s Good Works Contest