Alex's Lemonade

June 1-30, 2024

Take Your Stand for Kids with Cancer

Already registered?

You can also hold a stand any time of the year! Learn more.

What is Lemonade Days?

“If everyone has lemonade stands, I think we can do it.” - Alex Scott, Founder of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) 

This annual tradition began with our 8-year-old founder, Alex Scott. She wanted to raise $1 million for “her doctors” to help kids fighting cancer, like her. Her belief inspired others to take a stand for the cause to help her reach that goal before she passed away in 2004. Each year since, Lemonade Days continues to raise a million and much more!

In 2024, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first Lemonade Days, we’re expanding the event to all of June! That means more lemonade, more stands, and most importantly, more research to find safer treatments and cures for kids with cancer. Pick any day (or days) in June to participate and help make this year the biggest Lemonade Days yet. 

Lemonade Stand Lemonade Stand


How to Host a Lemonade Days Stand or Event

Step 1

Sign up!

Pick a location and a date (or dates) between June 1 through June 30. Then register your stand at no cost. 

Step 2

Spread the word!

Share your Lemonade Days event with family and friends by email, social media and good old-fashioned word of mouth!

Step 3

Hold your stand!

Hold your lemonade stand! Have a great time and feel good about helping kids with cancer at your stand or event!

With your help, we can continue to change the lives of kids with cancer, one cup at a time. Anyone, anywhere can hold a lemonade stand — it is free to register and there is no minimum fundraising requirement. Here are some simple tips to help walk you through setting up your stand. Register your Lemonade Days stand or event to help make a difference today!

Register Now

See how many stands are in your state!

Alex started Lemonade Days hoping for a stand in every state. Help us continue her dream by holding your own lemonade stand!
Click a state to see how many stands are being hosted!


We Are Here to Help

As you prepare to host your Lemonade Days stand or event, we will share lots of tools and tips to help make hosting your event fun and successful! If you have questions, contact an event coach at [email protected]

Thanks for making a difference by literally taking a stand (a lemonade stand!) against childhood cancer.